+91-9527880011 / 22 CBSE Affiliation No - 1131071


Parent –Teacher Conferences

Staff and parents are encouraged to keep open channels of communication. Towards this, parent-teacher meetings are scheduled on Saturdays with a prior appointment. It is not only an opportunity for the parents and teachers to get to know one another better and to exchange information about their ward, but it also enables parents to learn about the specific targets that have been identified for their children.

Parental Workshops

Parenting is hard work. When school and parents are connected as a supportive community, children perform better .Working towards this the school periodically hosts workshops for parents. This is a useful time for parents to gain information about what their children are learning in schools.

Report Card

Parents of all students also receive a Report Card showing achievements and effort every half term. A full written Report of Progress is issued at the end of each academic year.