+91-9527880011 / 22 CBSE Affiliation No - 1131071
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About Us

About Sandeepani

“Sky should be the limit to the exploring of knowledge.” We have set goals for blooming buds and are ready to step forward for the journey of thousands miles. For that Sandeepani International School is built up in Natural environmental scenario in five acres of land with spacious and ventilated classrooms.

boost athletic spirit among kids we have three acres of play ground with ample sport equipments. The earth, the only home of mankind in the vast universe . Here students will play dual role – a learner of scientific and social ethics and nurturer of nature . Thus, today we will create our expected tomorrow that will pave the path for prosperous and successful nation , India


To prepare all student to reach their full potential as life long learners and socially responsible to our community


To become a premier school of education recognized for its diversity and for excellence in teaching and learning.

Our Values

A value is a central belief clearly understood and shared by every member of the school community. We believe in commitment, opportunity, respect and excellence.

By Commitment we mean that everyone
– Shows loyalty to friends, collegeues and the school.
– Keep the school rules.
– Is willing to work to the highest level.

By Opportunity we mean that everyone
– Develop Confidence through participation.
– Consider their own strength.
– Set personal goals for improvement.

By Respect we mean that everyone
– Values all members of the school committee.
– Displays good manners at all times.
– Show respect for the school building, facilities and surrounding environment.

By Excellence we mean that everyone
– Is proud of personal achievement.
– Produce work for highest quality.
– Make best use of talent, time and resources.

Directors Message

Dear Parents,

It gives me immense pleasure to announce that after receiving an iridescent successful status after a long term hard work of fifteen years “Sandeepani Public school” is willing to give the society a school which will help them to give disciplined, cultured, devoted and educated students with full faith in the self and the nation. To fulfill the need of an hour, we are opening a second unit of Zhelam Sevabhavi Trust, Nanded which will be known as “Sandeepani International School” providing value based quality education to develop all creative aspects of a scholar personality. Sandeepani family would welcome you and your budding children for the welfare and growth of your family and society at large and ultimate objective of building up a strong nation.

Thank you.

From Principal's Desk

Dear Parents,

Children are the future resources of the nation. However in the light of this fact and with the motto of “Better Tomorrow” we aim to open the new horizons of learning a path carved for all round development of the students. Sandeepani International School is opening its wings to take a successful iridescent flight to cherish in its students the good traditions of Indian culture and civilization. Great importance is attached for inculcating students to develop their physical, mental and spiritual dimension of personality. We believe that a harmonious development of these three faculties can bring a total transformation in the personality of a child, we intend to aware students about the fundamental elements of science, math and social hence forth they would be curious to know and understand these subjects thoroughly. This will definitely shift students from therotical to holistic approach. This will certainly pave the way for their bright future ahead for that I offer the collaboration in between the school, parents and students for the all round development of the child. However I appeal all parents to broaden their vision and understand that the mind of your pupil in not vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled. Education is not for examination it is for excellence in all spheres of life which is the need of an hour.

Thank you.